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Contact us

Depending on your requirement and context, we can propose you different options to realize your projects in the best conditions.

Our team of high-level engineers is available to support Faveod Designer’s users throughout the design and production process, no matter which model you choose.


3 avenue Victor Hugo 75116 Paris

+33(0)1 47 04 74 03



We can train your teams so that you can develop your own software in complete autonomy or so that you can better manage the projects you entrust to third parties.

Faveod is a certified training organization and is therefore referenced by Datadock and Qualiopi (for France).

4 days with a certified trainer are necessary to properly understand the technology, to which must be added 5 days of practice on a real case that is part of the training. This mandatory step is often the opportunity to start a new project that can be deployed in production environment directly after the training and that will be 100% yours.

Find a partner

To take advantage of Faveod Designer, you can use your usual IT service providers or one of our dedicated partners. In both cases, we provide training and certification of their teams.

Accenture Capgemini CGI Finegan Ipasys Klee Group Kwalty Metrixware Micropole Orbic Softreign Sopra Steria Talan Terracoda Torken Viggo